The MLH Community Values are set of shared principles you can expect to see at every MLH Member Event.
Major League Hacking (MLH) believes that every student on the planet should have access to high quality events where they can learn, build, and share their creations. Through supporting 100’s of hackathons around the world and working closely with the MLH Community, we’ve come up with the following Core Values that MLH and MLH Member Events share.
MLH Member Events serve as examples of excellence to other hackathons and communities around the world. By following these Core Values, they set an example of excellence and help create the highest quality experience possible for hackers, organizers, and sponsors alike.
Creating an empowering environment where hackers of all skill levels can create amazing things is MLH’s main priority. The MLH Community Values codify this belief in a way that describes not only the MLH Member Events, but also the types of events that MLH wants to work with because of their positive contributions to the student hacker movement.
This document was last updated on:
May 1, 2019