Contact Us

How to get in touch with the folks at Major League Hacking.

Speak to a human Report an incident

Questions and Feedback

We're always excited to talk with hackers, organizers, and companies about the hackathon movement and MLH. Have questions about participating in hackathons, organizing hackathons or sponsoring them? Have feedback for MLH? Drop us a line here.

Send us feedback

Report a Code of Conduct Violation

MLH takes the Code of Conduct seriously, harassment and abuse are never tolerated at MLH Member events. If for any reason you feel uncomfortable at an event, don't hesitate to get in contact, using here or through any of the methods found in the Code of Conduct.

Report a violation

Appeal a Code of Conduct Decision

MLH may from time to time take disciplinary actions to ensure MLH Member events are as safe and welcoming as possible. Disciplinary action may be appealed by the recepient per the MLH Disciplinary Action Policy.

Appeal a decision